Joy is one emotion that is impossible not to feel when visiting México.
There life is slower and seems to be taken less seriously. The people of México are very friendly and always seem to be happy.
The exuberant use of color and pattern emphasizes the festive mood.
We visited an art night in San Jose del Cabo where galleries stayed open late and people strolled through the streets. There we encountered these musicians taking a break from their playing. I love the intense blue of the restaurant behind them.
This brilliant green building was just one block down on the same street. I delight in seeing bold colors used freely in foreign countries. In other places it looks perfectly appropriate.
Our hotel in Cabo hosted restaurants with varying cuisines – Asian, Italian, and of course Méxican. Being from Texas, my husband and I cannot pass up good Méxican food when it comes our way. We ate at the Méxican restaurant twice because once was simply not enough. The food was delicious, but the decor was even better. The mood was very festive and definitely one of joy.
The tables were extravagantly set with beautiful cobalt goblets, different colored water and/or margarita glasses, colorful tablecloths and plates. Similar glasses are available to the trade here.
Diners sat in equipale chairs and each one had a beautiful embroidered pillow resting inside. Similar pillows are available at La Mariposa in Dallas, Texas.
Buffet tables were decorated with these large jars. While the otomi pattern is very common on fabrics, I had not seen it used on ceramics before.
Sometimes more really is more.
Joy can still be expressed without that typical color. My very creative and talented aunt designs distinctive ironwork made in her native México. She uses her pieces to create beautiful and striking environments.
Her daughter’s recent wedding was a memorable occasion. Above is a table from the night. The iron, glasses, and linens are all by Jan Barboglio.
The bride and groom’s table had colorful flowers mixed in with the elaborately set table.
The decorated bride and groom chairs are quite special with their marigold garlands and heart tin ornaments. I will be remembering this idea.
Casa V can bring joy to your home.