Unrest is a film that is powerful and painful to watch but must be seen to support those suffering from this life-robbing illness so to bring awareness with the hope that a cure can someday be attained.
Last night I had the indescribable experience of viewing the movie Unrest at the Florida Film Festival. I did not just happen upon this movie. A friend who shares the illness of the film’s director, urged a group of us to see it. That illness, the focus of the documentary, is ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Jennifer Brea inspires ME patients around the world, one of whom is my friend who like Jenn graduated from Trinity Prep.
Jennifer Brea created the film to bring attention to a disease that is little understood. The film focuses on numerous patients spanning the globe who struggle with this devastating illness. Our local treasure, the Enzian Theatre, chose to include the film in this year’s festival despite their usual rejection of medical documentaries. The Enzian is usually the fun place where one can drink a glass of wine and eat dinner while watching the featured presentation. We did not want to eat last night. The mood was one of profound sadness.
Jennifer has had access to certain drugs allowing her a better quality of life than most. Above she is pictured at the Sundance Film Festival where she premiered the movie. Her unbelievably supportive husband, Omar Wasow, is pictured to her right.
Jennifer and Omar beautifully exemplify honoring the matrimonial vows.
Both Jennifer and Omar are super-educated superstars having studied at Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford. More impressive than those credentials, however, is how they have handled this life-altering illness, with steely determination, love, and leadership. Watching this film made me not want to waste a minute of my life and certainly never complain about a thing.