To contrast the decadence of Christmas, a strict about face is in order beginning with a good cleanse as advised by some wise French grandmothers.

French Chic Living. (Photo: Tim Street-Porter)
A diet of blended green juice is not for me even after a month of champagne and Christmas cookies. A cleanse for the home is however one that I can get excited about. After seeing pine needles accumulate on the floor for weeks despite frequent sweeping and counters buried by gifted wine and foods, an overwhelming need for cleanliness takes over. Florence and Laura are there to help.
Lessons from French grandmothers live on in two books that will bring out your inner grand-mère.
Florence de Dampierre writes about the art de vivre that she learned while growing up in France observing her grandmother and mother’s household traditions.
Likewise Laura Fronty was inspired by her French grandmother who preferred to live simply and naturally.
Both of these books give advice for food, household plants, cleaning and anything else to make your life better by being cleaner. They make one excited to wash and press the contents of an entire linen closet. Tying the finished products with a satin bow afterwards would make the French grandmothers proud.
Did you know that the dishwasher should be cleaned at least every 2-3 months? My dirty dishes go into the dishwasher looking as if they have already been washed. My housekeeper would regularly unload thinking the washer had already been run through. Despite this the dishwasher gets surprisingly dirty. Have you looked at your filter? Once you do, if yours looks anything like mine, you will put cleaning this appliance on your regular to do list. It is not a quick task either. Florence has a three step process involving baking soda, vinegar, heavy duty wash cycles, and finally Tang.

Florence de Dampierre’s recipe for a spotlessly clean dishwasher. (Photo: French Chic Living)
There are chapters about food such as separating your bananas. They make other fruits spoil quicker from the gas they emit.
Yves Duronsoy’s photographs inspire one to transfer all food items into vintage glass jars.

A Well-Kept Home. (Photo: Yves Duronsoy)

A Well-Kept Home. (Photo: Yves Duronsoy)
Today found me spending hours giving my house a new year’s clean. Baking soda and vinegar are my two new best friends.
Casa V Interiors will not clean your house but will help make it more beautifully decorated.