Magical México: Tile

Tile lovers will find happiness in México as the country is saturated with this decorative material.


Cortina residence, Cuernavaca, México. Photo Tim Street Porter

My love affair with tile began when I first got this book. I used to pour through the pages again and again. The charming kitchen above was one of my favorite Méxican interiors featured inside.


Always loved the sweet personalized plaque with golondrinas (swallows). Photo Tim Street Porter

The star pattern is striking yet it doesn’t overpower as it is spaced out with white. Méxican tile is very distinctive. Having grown up in the Southwest I have seen it my whole life, and I love it. The trick of it is to use it in fresh ways because it can be very busy and look too Méxican in the states.

The material can be used for great drama covering large areas for maximum impact.

Tile mural

Exterior mural

Large tile murals were seen at the Sheraton Hotel in Cabo San Lucas, such as the one above of a saint.


Dramatic dome in yellow and blues

Also at the Sheraton was this beautiful tiled dome seen on this roof overlooking the sea.

It can also be used in small amounts for more subtlety or in less ethnic ways.


Sheraton Hotel, Cabo San Lucas

The fish and wave motif talavera tiles hide inside this fountain seen in the motor court.


Charming church in the centro of San José del Cabo

In nearby San José del Cabo this beautiful church was simply decorated.


Cement tile floor

The cool mint green and white patterned floors were a nice decorative touch. This material is perfect for warm climates as they feel so good under bare feet. The style would work in a variety of houses.


Art gallery tile floor in San José del Cabo

This interesting pattern would be fun to use in either a contemporary or a classically styled house. It reminds me of Cuban-style tiles available here.

Casa V loves decorating with tile. To add beautiful tile to your home contact us today.