Grey Ghosts

The “grey ghosts”, otherwise known as weimaraners,  hold a special place in my heart because of their protective nature, intelligence, and distinctive color.

As a designer I am drawn to the gorgeous coloration of the weimaraner with their silver coats and almost matching eyes. As a mom I am drawn to their loyal and gallant nature. One week ago we brought home an eight-week old male puppy. My children have been wanting a dog for sometime, but this high energy dog was not fitting into my busy schedule – until now. My son left for college this year and consequentially left a huge hole in his place. Next year we will lose another child to a surely far-away school. Our newest family member is helping to chase away the sadness.

Much to the annoyance of our kids, my husband and I love Mexican names. They had the priviledge of naming the many stray cats we have taken in over the years so finally it was our turn. Despite the groans and eye-rolling, we named him after my husband’s uncle, José Maria Chavez. We call him “Ponce” for short in honor of Ponce de Leon, the Spanish explorer who discovered and named Florida. In honor of our beautiful sweet dog and all of his “grey ghosts” cousins, this post is dedicated to the weimaraner. I love seeing them in beautiful interiors. The perfect dog for the perfect room.

William Wegman, 2/28/08, 2:56 PM, 16C, 7246x11669 (828+108), 150%, Custom, 1/40 s, R89.7, G38.2, B48.0

William Wegman pictured with an image of his weimaraner, Bobbin. (Photo: Tim Mantoani).

No one has brought more recognition to this amazing dog than photographer William Wegman.

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When my kids were little, I would read these three books to them. The weimaraners in costume are so funny.

Weimaraners are an interior designer’s best accessory with their chic neutral coat.



Baylor at home. William McLure design. (Photo: WilliamMcLure).


Baylor trying out the sofa. (Photo: William McLure).

Birmingham designer, William McLure, often photographs his dog Baylor in his stylish home. To learn more about the talented McLure read the Habitually Chic and La Dolce Vita posts.


Hartmann & Forbes accessorized a western interior with this gorgeous dog in their catalogue. Hartmann & Forbes makes beautiful shades and wall coverings out of natural materials.

The stylish fashion crowd is equally passionate about these beauties.


Model Coco Rocha pictured with Jam for the 2012 Longchamp campaign. (Photo: Dane Shitagi)


(Photo: William Wegman)

Above is a photo from the 2013 fashion shoot for Acne.



(Photo: Paul Popper/Popperfoto via Getty Images).

Stylish Grace Kelly knew how to best accessorize. Her brother Jack gave her this weimaraner as a wedding gift before she left New York for Monaco.


Enjoying the blue eyes while they last.


The much loved Ponce.

Casa V has a love and knowledge of color that they can bring to your home.