Giving a book is giving inspiration, dreams, escape, and hope that is possible anytime one chooses to simply pull open the cover.

McNally Jackson Independent Bookseller, New York City. (Photo: Pinterest)
There are so many things to love about Christmas. One of the best things is being Santa. As the years have passed shopping is less enjoyable for me than it once was; however, shopping for family is fun. My girls are easy to shop for as there are endless gifts that they would enjoy. The boys are trickier. One item that all of my immediate family members receive and actually like are books. They are my favorite gift to give and my favorite to receive.
The brilliant part of being Santa is guaranteed love of my own presents. When the kids were small I had to stuff my stocking or else they might have wondered why Santa left mine empty. If my stocking were left empty now there would be guilt that no one put something inside. That would not be a good beginning to Christmas morning. Fortunately there is always a long wish list of books on my Amazon site. While I do buy from Amazon I much prefer to shop at my local bookstore. In Winter Park, we have a newish one just off Park Avenue, our main shopping street. The owner is adorable and very knowledgable about her inventory. If you live in Orlando please visit Writer’s Block Bookstore.
If you are looking for books for your loved ones, the following list are some that will be purchased by this Santa.
Vintage textiles are a weakness of mine. Hunting for them at antique fairs is half the fun. All three of these would be excellent sources for research.

This book focuses on creative problem solving citing examples through history.

This book wins for its cover alone which captures Mexico’s spectacular pairing of unusual colors.
The following books are for lovers of a good story.

The follow-up book to The Essex Serpent.

A very talented writer and prolific reader gave this book high praise. She said it reads like a novel with compelling characters.
Support your local bookstore when shopping this year to give the gift that might expand your world, teach a new talent, or allow you to lose yourself in another place. For a list of other wonderful independent booksellers in the United States see here.
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