Covid favorite, rooms that is

Looking back at pictures of my favorite rooms through the years is a bit like reconnecting with old friends.

Last week I posted my top ten favorite rooms on Instagram. Selecting just ten is extremely difficult. It was fun to think about the rooms that have impacted me and then go back and visit them. Most of the rooms I posted are ones that I have been to or have known of for many years.

Most of my favorite rooms are Spanish or Moroccan in style.

That is the case with the “Chimorro house” above. It is a 1920’s Hispano-Moorish house designed by Roy Sheldon Price located in Hancock Park in LA. Glenn and Liv Ballard lived there with their two sons. Once the couple has divorced Liv remained.

Lovely Liv. (Photo: Coral von Zumwalt)

Lovely Liv. (Photo: Coral von Zumwalt)

One of my first favorite rooms by Annie Kelly. (Photo: Coral von Zumwalt)

One of my first favorite rooms by Annie Kelly. (Photo: Coral von Zumwalt)

This living room was love at first sight. An instant favorite room.

Fortuny fabrics, inlaid furniture, hanging lanterns, and tile. Perfection in my eyes.

Everything about this house is amazing. The doors, pictured above, and I assume the casita as well, were added later by LA firm, Tichenor & Thorp.

The white kitchen could be in any style of house. The moroccan chair, however, ties in to the exotic feel found throughout the house. See here for additional pictures of this beautiful house. All photos pictured above are by Coral von Zumwalt.

Time is something I always long for to refresh my creativity. Looking back through some of my favorite books finding photos of the rooms I wanted to highlight was a treat. One of my favorite rooms belonged to Holler and Saunders which I wrote about here. To see my Instagram top ten rooms, you call follow me here.

The rest of my week was spent tending to my list of tasks, but I also made a few new discoveries.

This leave in conditioner is fantastic. Coloring one’s hair is so drying but this product works wonders to bring back softness. You can comb it into hair and sleep in it or just comb it in and leave for an hour while you work out. To learn more about this and other Christophe Robin products watch this video.

We celebrated my son’s birthday late with this chocolate cake from Food52. My sister says I have ruined my children for liking anything but chocolate. It is sort of true. We never have lemon cake or cherry pie, but this recipe was named Perfect Chocolate Cake. Who can resist that?

My grass died so I decided to re-landscape the front yard. Early stages pictured above.

Fortunately Apenberry’s is still selling product and delivering. White agapanthus are some of my favorite plants.

My nasturtiums are taking even if still quite small.

Hope you had a good week making new discoveries.

Casa V can create a room that will be your new favorite.