College Trip Hotel Tips

Hotel tips spotted while traveling can be brought back and assimilated into one’s own home making it similarly stand apart.

One of the best parts of traveling last summer to visit colleges was staying in different hotels. Some were ordinary, but a few of them were well-designed and memorable. I picked up several hotel tips to consider for projects or myself. We began and ended our trip in New York City which meant we got to try out two hotels.


Distinctive murals by the talented Ruben Toledo

Our first stop placed us at The Lexington. Murals by Ruben Toledo decorated the elevator corridor. Their lobby lounge was fresh with assorted seating and built-in bookshelves.


Cute breakfast room at The Roger


Croissants and canelés

Returning to NYC, we tried out The Roger. Their breakfast area was charming and they served my favorite canelés.

Visiting New Haven, we stayed at The Study at Yale. It was a fairly basic hotel but featured subtle references to college and had some nice touches.


The Study at Yale, reading lounge

The lobby featured a reading lounge with all the newspapers worth reading. Across the entrance was an attractively designed bar for when you just don’t want to learn anything else and must have a cocktail.


Hip frames for a studious look

The hotel’s logo is a pair of eyeglasses so, appropriately, they sold good-looking frames from a small display case.


Hotel tip for a college-bound freshman’s dorm room

Inside the rooms, flannel blankets with a few collegiate stripes decorate the end of the bed. The window wall features a long cantilevered desk. Preppy seersucker bathrobes were a different touch hanging in the all-white bathrooms.


Lovely Providence

My favorite hotel by far was in Providence, Rhode Island. I just loved Providence. It was a beautiful charming area with lovely people. I am rooting for a school there for one of my kids, and if one ends up there I know just where I will be staying. Last spring I saw The Dean featured on numerous blogs. At the time, I couldn’t imagine when I would next be in Providence to be able to investigate this intriguing spot. Lucky me though, a local college made the list. There were many interesting details that made this hotel stand out. It oozed “cool”.


Welcome to The Dean

The tiny reception area featured retro tile and a red velvet chair. You then take a minuscule elevator up to your room or perhaps take the stairs.


Style made with just gold paint and a framed mirror

If you choose the stairs large gold numbers remind you where you are and how high you have climbed.

Once inside your room, you see they are chic yet quite simple. The rooms and linens are white with humble furnishings. No closets but rather hooks with hangers hold your clothes.


Plain schoolhouse chairs and a single portrait decorate the room.


Hip treats such as Boxed Water, Glee Gum, and an intimacy kit.

A metal desk features its version of a mini-bar with more interesting than usual goodies.


Vintage-style bathrooms made dramatic with black and brass

The bathrooms repeat the beadboard and vintage tile look but this time in black. The brass accents are a nice contrast.


Another reminder of where you are staying

Even the bathroom gets the hip Dean touch with custom coasters under the drinking glasses.


Happy children bunking in their own room for a change.

The Dean was a favorite of my kids because they got their own room featuring a bunk bed. Smiles all around.


Cocktails await behind this door

Next time we visit, we will be hanging out in The Magdalenae Room. Behind this door is an intimate small bar to unwind after a long day of tours and information sessions. Unfortunately, we didn’t discover this spot until after returning from another bar.

Casa V can bring fresh details to your home to make it stand apart.